Monday, August 21, 2006


Re: 'Wanted: Inherited epigenetic variation - revisiting soft inheritance'

Perspective: Nature Reviews Genetics 7, 395-401 (May 2006) | doi:10.1038/nrg1834

Opinion: Inherited epigenetic variation - revisiting soft inheritance

Eric J. Richards

Phenotypic variation is traditionally parsed into components that are directed by genetic and environmental variation. The line between these two components is blurred by inherited epigenetic variation, which is potentially sensitive to environmental inputs. Chromatin and DNA methylation-based mechanisms mediate a semi-independent epigenetic inheritance system at the interface between genetic control and the environment. Should the existence of inherited epigenetic variation alter our thinking about evolutionary change?

[Associated Washington University of St. Louis news release]

The full text of "Inherited epigenetic variation - revisiting soft inheritance" is now available as a pdf file here.

[Original Post: 'Wanted: Inherited epigenetic variation - revisiting soft inheritance']

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Come on fella's. Just accept the idea that from a pre-biotic archaen earthen soup strands of RNA were formed, these large macromolecules became enveloped within lipid based membranes that took on viral properties, and, with time, a process of virions injecting virions created, quote, virtually all Early Cambrian phylum-level body plans. Or the 'kernals.' Let's skip the discomboobaling idea that from one supreme form or root of life, all other life forms then branched out from this one.

Show me five examples where gene duplication took place and then one of these two genes "evolved" into a phenotype to create a completely new species. Amphibian fins became mammal hands ..., epigenetically. I say, "Not!"

Now with this idea in mind, let's find just one of the many different and diparate configurations, and then create one kernal to then say we created life in a lab; a new life that has never before existed until some researchers put it together in a laboratory ... somewhere in the West.

Either, "Wow," or the alarm clock is eventually going to go off and I'll wake up.
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